Brands & Sponsors

Prelude2Cinema is funding this movie by Private Investments, and Branded Entertainment. Branded Entertainment is more than Product Placement. It is when a Brand is written as part of the story. Here we list the need for types of Brands. If interested, Contact Prelude2Cinema ASAP. All brands must be included before Pre-production ends.

Shooting begins January 14, 2017. Brands contact us ASAP to be included in part one shoot and event February 2017.

Scroll Down for List of Brands. If your Brand is not included, contact us to see if we can write you in. ASK US ABOUT SPECIAL SPONSOR PACKAGES FOR “SMALL LOCAL BUSINESSES.” Email Special Rates for Small Business


ABOUT “Que, Sera, Sera”


BRAND: Lucy’s Sweet Surrender
det-de-los-angelos-at-lucys BakeryLucy’s was the first sponsor in the original series, “Out of Darkness.” We are pleased they are returning. Cleveland’s best Hungarian Pastry Shop and Bakery is a natural fit and a hangout for the Agents of the F.O.R.C.E. Lucy’s Sweet Surrender is at 20314 Chagrin Blvd. in Shaker Heights, but they also deliver 2nd day air in the USA. Lucy’s was featured on the Food Channel and in Gourmet Magazine. CLICK HERE TO ORDER ONLINE.


Financial Sponsorship as well as In-Kind Donations are Accepted.

  • Attorneys: The show features some fictional attorneys, but it would be just as easy to work real attorneys into the series.
  • Automotive: Our Agents drive around the city. Also they encounter various others who drive. No car chases written into the story.
  • Beauty Salon: This Business is key to a Plot Point in the Story. If a real location is not used, then this would still allow the use of many beauty supply brands in the scene.
  • Clothing: All types for Men, Women and Children.
  • Doctors: Being a crime story, there is some violence and people will need healing
  • Food & Drink: Everyone in the story has to eat and drink something.
  • Musicians: All types of Music will be used in the story. We have some musicians aboard, but with to talk to with others. Some will be featured in the movie during the shoot and other music added in post-production (editing).
  • Restaurants: There are few key local restaurants we want to approach about including in the story, but we can work in a local or national brand.
  • Signage Companies: Banners will be needed for the Ferris campaign and the businesses within the movie.
  • Technology: Smart phones, computers, tablets, etc. A Smartphone is key to a Plot Point in the Movie. Also there is a piece of Surveillance Technology to be featured as well.